I like books and talking (well in this case, writing), so that's why I am here.
I saw this thing on a couple of blogs when I was surfing around on the internet, and I liked it so much that I decided to do it myself. I'm so excited for this because I'm a huge sucker for cute couples in books. And I get so sad because I want a relationship like that, buuuuhuu (kidding). Let's go!
Since I'm going to talk about couples, there might be spoilers in it. So be smart and read the names of the couples first!
1. Anna & Étienne (Anna and the French Kiss)
I could talk hours and hours about how much I love Étienne (or St. Clair), but I guess that will bore you and I don't want to do that to you. BUT I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE IS SOOOO DAMN CUTE. Yes. Anna is a sweet, somewhat shy girl and Étienne is so spontaneous and funny and that combination is so sweet. When they return in Lola and the Boy Next Door they're even cuter! It becomes clear that Étienne travels every day an hour to be with Anna, and that just screams LOVE!
2. Ron & Hermione (Harry Potter series)
I think I didn't mention before that I'm a diehard Harry Potter fan (POTTERHEADS!). I've read the books both in my native language and in English and I own the series in Dutch and English. I've watched the movies (I think) 10 times each and I can spend hours looking at gifs and pictures on tumblr. But okay, back to where I was. Ron and Hermione. The 'we first hated each other but ended husband and wife' love story. They are absolutely adorable together and I love Rowling for being the most amazing author ever! That moment where they actually kiss makes my heart melt since I had been waiting for this to happen FOR EVER!
3. Eleanor & Park (Eleanor & Park, lol)
This book was about the relationship between Eleanor & Park, and I loved that because that meant 300 pages about cuteness and love and cuteness and omg did I say cuteness already? Their relationship was so complicated and they both experienced love for the first time. It was so realistic and touching, because if you've read this book you know that Eleanor's home situation was not the easiest. And Park was there the whole time, being there for her and being the sweetest guy ever. And he's Asian, that's nice too.
4. Augustus & Hazel
I know... I know! But I couldn't leave them out of this top 5, I simply couldn't! They belong here! I think that each and everyone of you can agree on this. And I don't even feel like explaining this, YOU UNDERSTAND THIS!
5. Sloane & James (The Program)
This book is one of the most touching books I've ever read. The subject was so interesting and all the feels... ohmy. I'm not going to explain the whole storyline, but their love is so strong and unbreakable. I cried multiple times during this book and the feels... Just the feels... READ THIS BOOK!
I hope you liked it, and untill next time!